Q: And you may find yourself Behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house With a beautiful wife
And you may ask yourself, well How did I get here?
A: By letting the days go by. Relax. It’s the same as it ever was.
Q: how did you get started animating?
A: I’ve always been drawing and I grew up watching cartoons and reading comic books. That’s where my love for this stuff began, and persists to this day. I took all of the graphics and animation courses available to me at my local community college. I was lucky. There were actually some computer animation courses there. Once I had taken everything they had, I transferred to the Academy of Art University, in San Francisco, where I got my B.F.A. in animation and visual effects. My focus was on 2D traditional animation, because I enjoyed it more, but I also took plenty of 3D computer animation classes as well.
Q: What's your favorite cartoon show/movie?
A: I love Avatar the Last Airbender. The character development and story arc of the series was fantastic. The duel between Zuco and Azula was so epic and melancholy. They treated each character, even the villains and minor ones with the respect and consideration to make them full complex and interesting people, who are affected by their experiences. That’s why my second choice is probably Full Metal Alchemist. The writers gave the same care to the characters and their experiences and hardships that followed them for the rest of the show, that Avatar did. Treat your characters like people, people.
A: Sometimes. Never hurts to ask.
Q: How can I get in contact with you?
A: Check out the contact page. Link is at the bottom of the page, and send me a message in Instagram, YouTube or just email me.
Q: What's your favorite color?
A: Everyone looks good in black, otherwise it’s red.
Q: What's one interest or activity of yours people might not expect?
A: I am super interested in Nuclear technology. Simultaneously captivated and horrified by atomic weapons. And I think nuclear reactors are an important piece of our energy future.
Q: If you had one rule to live by, what would it be?
A: Be excellent to each other. Or, don’t be a dick. Different sides. Same coin.
Q: Are these really frequently asked questions?
A: No man. I just made this website. No one’s asked me jack-crappity yet.